Indications: For treatment and prophylaxis of bronchial Asthma Chronic ,Bronchitis,Whopping Cough,Relief From All Type Of Cough
Dosage and Adjuvant: 1 – 2 capsules Twice a day or As advised by physician.
Indications : Blood Purifier,Anti-Infective used in all chronic skin diseases such as dermatitis,Eczema,Urticaria
Dosage and Adjuvant: Take 1 – 2 capsules Twice a day or As advised by physician.
Indications: Oligospermia,Functional Male Infertility,Impotence.
Dosage and Adjuvant: Take 1 – 2 capsules Twice a day With Milk or As advised by physician
Indications :Peptic Ulcers,Hyperacidity,Non Ulcer dyspepsia,Prevention of recurrence of ulcers.
Dosage and Adjuvant: Take 1 – 2 capsules Twice a day or As advised by physician.